Monday, 20 October 2014


Aphrodisiacs (Kayan Mata) - Contrary to popular belief, we women are not the only ones that use aphrodisiacs, our Sextners (sex partners) also use them. (I bet you guys thought we didn't know huh). There is no shame in the use of these stuff on both sides, everyone needs a boast now and again, some more than others. It has already become a part of our everyday life and it's quiet essential because it's not every time your sextner is revving to go right at the time you are. We all wish sex came with a "push to start" button but alas. So for now, we will manage with what we have got. 
There are different kinds of aphrodisiacs for different purposes. And there is no guarantee that what works for Maryam will work for Nafisa or Wasila etc, same with you guys. So you can try out different ones and find which one suits you. I will name a few popular ones here and give a brief description. (This is the women version)
GUMBA- sticky sweet and chewy in the mouth, sticky sweet and silky in the pleasure pit. This traditional concoction is made up of tiger nuts (Aya), dabino (dates) and a few other secret ingredients. Idea for the woman that needs a little help in lubricating the pleasure pit. It makes taking in all that manliness a lot easier and more enjoyable. Ideally it is taken at least 30 minutes before the humping begins, to allow your juices to sweeten up. Can be taken as is or mixed with milk or yogurt. (Guys, start investing in dairy products, thank me later)
TSIMI- this is a very concentrated infusion of various fruits and herbs that have been known for centuries to help women in the bedroom department. I won't tell what it's made of however, come on if I do I will be putting a lot of hard working women out of business. It's also generally used for lubrication but some really "special" and "exclusive" ones are guaranteed (tried and trusted) to turn even the most frigid of women into a wilding in the sheets. Think of it as a natural energy drink, Red Bull has nothing on this my good people.
SABULUN MATA- literally translates into women's soap. As the name implies, it's a soap used for tightening the pleasure pit. Ladies, let's be honest, after a 1 or two trips to the labour room a tune up and a little tightening is required for most of us, the old pit just don't cuddle that dick like it used to. Don't fret, SABULUN mata is here for you. Not only for mothers, it's also for the pleasure pot that has seen a bit of mileage and your check engine lights are flashing. Use this to wash down south once or twice a day and see the results, you may look 30 something ish, but down south, sweet and tight 16.
DUTSEN BALA'I- black stone. Hmmmn ................................... Had to take a breather cuz just thinking about this stone takes me on a trip. Now listen up ladies, I ain't gonna say nothing about this stone here, we can't let the guys know all our secrets can we?  Ask around, this stone literally sells itself. Trust me. HINT, ask female aunties, cousins, sisters and friends that just came back from Hajj. I won't say any more on this topic.

Sunday, 19 October 2014


I decided to start this blog because I noticed a lot of women especially Hausa women (though this blog is not just for hausa women, even men can learn a lot from it), who feel that sex is just a duty between man and wife, or girlfriend and boyfriend, I don't judge, well I'm here to tell you that you are wrong. Sex is something to be enjoyed. It's not simply a duty. It should be something you look forward to. And it's not only the man that should enjoy or initiate sex. We women enjoy it too, believe it or not. There is no law that states we can not enjoy it as much as men do or initiate it. Infact, most men I have asked say they love it when the woman initiates sex, this is because they know for sure she is horny and ready to go. And trust me, a woman that is horny before you is a treasure, she may be more willing to try new stuff out, no matter how perverted. (Yes we know you have perverted thoughts so drop the act)
I must admit it's not as easy for us women to be turned on as it is for men, but with a little effort we could make it a little easier.
Foreplay is quiet essential, most women would agree that it helps "oil the wheels", "fill the honey pot", etc, before the main deed. It gives us  time to relax and make us more likely to have comfortable and honest sex.
What is honest sex you ask? Well, most of you men may not like to hear this but you guys can be crappy in bed, yes I said CRAPPY, you may think just having a penis and slamming it into us as if you are pounding yam, is enough to satisfy us, HABA, well guess what, IT ISN'T. And most of the time we just don't say anything because you think you know better than us or your little egos will get bruised the moment we show you or tell you "you ain't doing it right", and most women don't have time to deal with your mood swings and bitch fits. So listen to your woman, listen to her body, listen to her heartbeat, listen to her breath, you could learn a lot that could save you from unpleasant sex and in the process you may be suprised at how things will change for you in the bedroom, bathroom, living room kitchen or even in the car. I don't judge.
So as a summary, communication is key to good and enjoyable sex. Peace out. Till my next post.