Friday, 25 August 2017

Let's keep it clean.

What inspired this post is my new found love of getting head. ( oral sex, eating the love oyster). Personally, i was not a fan of oral sex, but quite recently, i was made a believer. πŸ™‹πŸ½. Dear God in heaven. If you find yourself a man that can eat you like his life depends on it, then sister, you are one lucky woman. Chai, Diaris God.

HOWEVER, before you go spreading ya legs and serving your pleasure pit for dessert to your man, ask yourself a few questions. 

How clean are you? Ladies for the love of all things good, that place should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be clean. Biko, using water to clean that place everytime you use the toilet is not just for muslim women abeg. EVERY woman needs to do this. Urine smells, especially when it becomes stale, and im telling you, people can smell it. And apart from the smell it is very unhygienic. You stand a higher chance of infections. 

When was the last time you went to your gaenacologist to have your pleasure pot assessed? Yeast infections, bacterial infections etc. there are so many things that can be wrong down there that is just not healthy and absolutely nasty to be carrying around. Book an appointment with your doctor and have yourself checked. All it takes usually is just a round of antibiotics and some cream that you apply topically into your pleasure pot to clear most of these issues. And also keep in mind that its not just through sex that you could get these issues, poor hygiene and unsanitary practices and toilets are usually the culprits.

How does your pleasure pot smell? Sisters, admit it, there are times where even you are shocked by what you smell down there. However, in some cases this smell is not due to infections, it may actually be from what you eat. Coffee, seafood, artificial sweeteners, garlic, onions etc have been known to make you smell like death down there. Consume these things and other food items with strong smells in moderation.

Sisters SHAVE YOUR PUSSIES. I know some of you will say, "but my man likes it hairy". Toh, that one is between you and him. But gaskiya, a hairy and unclean pussy is just bloody nasty. If you wont shave then take extra time to wash and clean yourself and add some nice smelling oils or perfumes down there. I have had some of my male friends tell me they broke up with many wonderful ladies because of  how nasty their pleasure pots where, and they couldn't tell them to clean up. Hair hides shit. So please please please be extra vigilant when cleaning up.

Your clean up routine should double during your menstrual cycle. Blood has an offensive smell, no matter how fresh it is, not to talk of when it becomes stale. Change your sanitary pads every few hours please as much as possible. Use cotton pads that breathe, for your own safety. Expensive doesn't necessarily mean good when it comes to sanitary pads so please keep that in mind when purchasing.

Now, there are things you can use to help you stay fresh down there. 

One of them is Musk. This is a white oil perfume that has been used for centuries by middle eastern women to keep fresh. After every monthly period, they soak a small wad of cotton with this perfume and insert into the vagina, they leave it for some time then take it out. It is known for its anti fungal properties and very pleasant scent. You can use a tampon or clinical guaze in place of the cotton swab. I personally use guaze. This is a very effective, simple and pocket friendly way of ensuring that you always smell good and your honey pot is safe. An added advantage is that it has tightening effect to the vagina so its a win win.

Another way of staying fresh and clean is adding a few drops of Tea tree oil to water that you use to wash up down there. It has a lovely aroma and its very gentle to the skin. Its natural and quite affordable. The one in the picture is the one i use personality. I got it from a lady on Instagram that sells natural oils. 

You may also consider adding a little salt and a little anticeptic to a basin of warm clean water once in a while and sitting in it for a few minutes. It helps to disinfect the whole area and freshens you up.

I have heard of some dietary supplements that flavour your juices and gives it a pleasant scent. I have not tried any so i will not say anything about what i do not know. But im just telling you what i heard incase one of you ladies is adventurous.

Please please please ladies, keep your pleasue pot clean before you serve these men biko. Eh, not everyone likes fish abeg. 

Alright ladies, this will do for you. I may do a series for the men one of these days. If you guys are interested, leave a comment or send me an email. Bye πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Thursday, 6 April 2017

A tight Squeeze

Hello my lovelies, i am so sorry I have been away for so long. Thank you to those that sent emails enquiring about me. Some sent emails asking for suppliers but unfortunately before I could hook them up, tragedy struck. I am so sorry. Had to deal with some personal issues but Alhamdu Lillah i am back and ok now. Without wasting time, let's  get back to business. Has your pleasure pot become loose? Does your man lose his erection afte a few minutes because the pit doesn't hug him the way it used to? Then gather around my dears, I have good news to share with you. All is not lost. For your faithful Venus has found more safe tricks to tighten that bitch up. πŸ˜‰. Let's begin.
  1. Bagaruwa (Acacia) this is an herb that has been used for centuries by women to restore some dignity to their pleasure pit. Mainly used by the Northern Nigerian women after childbirth. The seeds are washed thoroughly, crushed and boiled, then you sit in the water like a sits bath for 15-30 minutes or even more if you can. It tightens almost immediately. It's a 100% natural so there are absolutely no side effects.
Bagaruwa (Acacia)

2. Alum (potassium alum) we all know this as what was used in the old days to purify water, especially well water. It serves as a coagulant. Well it's also a natural tighter, especially if you are looking for sharp sharp tightening. That kind shit is going down in a few minutes kind of sharp sharp. Normally a metal keg (Buta) is kept specifically for this purpose, you soak the alum in the keg with adequate water, and use the water to wash up your pleasure pit. Another natural way to tighten up that's safe and free from side effects. You can keep using the alum rock till it finishes.

3. Mai Ayu. Ayu is a fish that when the male is having sex with the female, it sticks the female like chewing gum. (Unverified). The oil extracted from this fish is a tried and tested aphrodisiac that is massaged into the pleasure pit. I have used this personally and believe me, YOUR MAN WILL CRY. As in he will cry like a baby. Some people claim it is a tightner also, however I have never felt this tightening effect. This could be because it lubricates you so so well. But be rest assured he will cry. And worry not, it doesn't smell fishy, infant its almost odorless. It's texture is very silky. Have been using it for over a year and I have never had any side effects. It is quite costly to honest, that's if you can find it. But worth every kobo. Beware of fakes please. Always buy from a trusted person or from a trusted reference.z

Mai Ayu

4. Henna. Not the black one that you all see people using to do bridal designs. But the dried and powdered henna leaves. It is said that if you mix a small amount of the powder with a little water to make a paste, you are to warp it in clean gauze, insert and leave for about 30 minutes then you take it out. I have not tried this personally but I have it on good authority that it works. However I am skeptical about it still. So if you are brave enough to try it, toh, my hand no dey. I'm just letting you guys know what I know. It may help someone.

5. Matsi. This literally translates to "tight". ❌🚫There are thousands of variations out there. So one has to be extra careful. I cannot emphasize this enough, the natural herbal aphrodisiacs are always the best and safest. If you have a funny feeling about any product, please be extra careful. No point doing something on a whim only to regret it for a lifetime.🚫❌
Now, there is one that I have heard of, my personal pesin is the supplier, I have ordered it and will test it soon. It is rumored to gum that sucker up. As in Araldite grade gumming. Virgin tinz. Just a pinch in the pit is enough, 30 minutes before sex. As I have not tried it, I will not bullshit you and tell you wonderful things. I'm just letting you know of it, will get it soon, try it out and get back to you.

Ladies and gents, side chicks and main chicks, mummies and daddies, uncles and aunties, enjoy your sex lives. Sex is not a duty, it is a thing to be enjoyed and also a bonding agent. Relax, let go, have fun, give and take. Stay safe, use a condom, get tested for for HIV, Hepatitis, STDs, STIs etc. spread your legs not diseases Biko. Life is too sweet especially with the gift of coitus, don't go and be killing people with nasty as disease. 

I will be posting something about Hygiene ladies, that place has to be clean, ALWAYS. Absolutely no exceptions. It has to always Always ALWAYS smell and taste good. Biko, it is very unladylike and repulsive when it's not taken care of, walking around smelling like Pepe le Pew (for those that don't know, Pepe le pew is a popular cartoon skunk). Laters.